DataLife Engine Installation Wizard
Welcome to the DataLife Engine installation wizard. This wizard will help you install the script in just a few minutes. However, we strongly recommend that you to read the documentation on the work of the script, and documentation on its installation, which comes with a script.

Before you begin the installation, please, make sure that all the distribution files was uploaded to the server. Don't forget to set the necessary permissions for folders and files.

Please note that DataLife Engine supports User-Friendly URL, and it requires modrewrite module to be installed and allowed for use. If you want to disable this feature, then delete .htaccess from the root directory and disable support for this feature during the script installation process.

Attention: when you install the engine, the database structure and administrator's account are created, and basic system settings are performed, so you need to delete install.php after the successful installation in order to avoid re-installation of the engine!

Enjoy your work with the engine,

SoftNews Media Group